Conversations That Matter: Let’s Discuss
Hello Angels!
If you have something on your mind, whether it’s a challenge you’re facing and seeking solutions, a brilliant business idea, or any other topic you’d like to discuss with fellow angels, feel free to reach out. Share the details with us via Email or WhatsApp, and if we find it relevant, we’ll feature it on our “Discussion” page. This way, you can tap into the collective wisdom of the community as other angels share their valuable insights and perspectives on your chosen topic. Let’s connect, support, and empower each other!
Note: We will not show your name and contact details on our website “Discussion” page until you ask us to show.

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Angel Concern
I have joined a new job and in my workplace, I am the only female among all the employees, and their conversations often include double entendres, which creates discomfort for me. What steps can I take? Should I consider leaving my job, lodge a complaint with my boss, or directly address my colleagues to cease inappropriate discussions?